Property Advice Valuation Universe

Duration: 2 months

Skills used: High fidelity prototyping

From February till May I participated in Lead the Talent. I was working on a case for the company Property Advice.


I worked in a team with 4 colleagues. We had the assignment to create a valuation universe. This comprised of making a design for their website as well as an email marketing campaign which would direct traffic towards the website and create new leads.

Property advice design shown on a laptop and a couple of phones

Market Research

After conducting a market analysis, we found that hardly any of Property Advice’s competitors communicated the importance of the personal contact the customer has with the real estate agent.

On this basis we decided to make real estate agents from Propert Advice the faces of the valuation universe. The person the customer would be most likely to meet, depending on the type of property they would get evaluated was chosen as the face of each page.

four mobile screens with different real estate agents shown on each page

Furthermore an in depth description of the real estate agent and their proffesional experience was added to each site. This is supposed to reinforce the personal touch of Property Advice. The picture below shows the Property Advice Agriculture site which highlights their real estate agent Else Maria

Images of Property Advice's agriculture site

Marketing Campaign

For the launch of the campaign, we created two pdf guides that would help two of the types of customers Property Advice has, the investor and the owner of commercial properties. Along with the pdf’s we created a landing page which SoMe marketing campaigns would direct to.

front page of the pdf guide for owners of commercial properties front page of the pdf guide for investors
landing page for downloading the guides

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