Vilhelm Nellemann, designs for & honda-mc

Duration: 2 months

Skills used: High fidelity prototyping, Component Design, User flow

From May till June 2022 I worked at Vilhelm Nellemann Handelsselskab. During my stay I worked on creating designs for their two workshops and

Motostore mobile checkout

One of the tasks I was given was to redesign their mobile checkout flow for motostore.

motorstore design on mobile phones

I decided to use secondary research in order to get an idea about what’s important when creating a checkout flow. The insights I gained were these:

userflow first image userflow second image userflow third image

Atomic Design

I applied the atomic design philosophy when I designed the mobile checkout flow. This meant that I built my design up using components (atoms), components build with components (molecules) and components combining several molecules (organisms).


atom components


molecule components


organism components User Flow

For their webshop selling Honda motorcycles I was tasked with creating a user flow for how we could guide the user through the shopping experience.

user flow of honda-mc

Here's the user journey step by step:

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